
IncrediPowells 2019


INCREDIPOWELLS 12: Peace on Earth

Year 12 for the IncrediPowell’s Christmas card marks the much-anticipated return of the IncrediPowell’s. We took last year off after everyone involved felt their ideas were better than mine, on what to do for our annual tradition. That notion is simply ridiculous and I finally got to an eff it point and called the whole deal off. After receiving a lot of negative feedback on not doing anything, I had no trouble telling those people exactly who was to blame for the absence of the IncrediPowell’s……it was the P3. So, without further to do, let us get on with the chlorophyll and see how the year unfolded for the Sherrylynn Hooligans.

Emmerson is 10, in the fourth grade and well on her way to becoming a social media icon. Whether she is live on Instagram, making a TikTok, posting on Snapchat or simply scrolling one of our Facebook feeds, this girl stays connected. If you ever see a comment or reply that does not quite make sense, there is a chance we have been “hacked.” She is still very active with sports, playing soccer, Rams Club Softball and Rams Club Basketball. The soccer team was undefeated again this spring and fall, the softball team had a VERY good spring season and basketball is yet to be determined as she took last year off.

Ellie will be 12 in January, and this year she is at Spring Creek or for those of you not in the know, the 6th grade center. Her building is across the street from the High School, which means she catches a ride to school with Addison. So far this arrangement seems to be working and has made Ellie a little more of a morning person, since I told her Addison would not hesitate for a minute to leave her behind. This fall was also her first playing select soccer with the Iowa Storm and her team had a good season, with a great group of girls. We have traveled a bit and had some very sketchy weather, but overall, I would say we made the right decision with her joining that team/program. Ellie also continues to pursue her creative side with whatever media she can get her hands on, which in turn, allows me to pursue my clean up side. She grew almost 3 inches this last year, which also has her eating us out of house and home. So, if there are ever a bag of chips, pretzels, cookies or any other snack missing, check her room, because Ellie is the Queen of the after bedtime snack/buffet.

Addison is 15, a sophomore at Southeast Polk, and is on the go like no other. I often question if she really even lives with us anymore (Not that I am complaining). She also continues to be very active in…..I guess we will call them athletics. As a freshman last spring in track, she ran varsity all season and earned a trip to the state meet in the shuttle hurdle relay. This year is her first as part of the SEP RhythAMetteS (dance team) and she could not be more excited about it. I thought we were past this, but I was clearly wrong. As part of the Elite Kick team, she will be making another trip to Fort Worth this spring to compete and perform. Addison has been driving for about a year with her school permit, which has made our lives a little easier, but more stressful at the same time. There have been a couple of “boyfriends”, nothing serious thank God, but her sisters seem to have the most fun with it…..especially when I come up with a nickname for said boy.

Kim is in her 16th year of teaching 5th grade at Four Mile Elementary and has now completed the full on teacher look, since having to get glasses this school year. Another big change for Kim was switching from Ultra to White Claw, because you know what they say, “There are no laws, when you are drinking the claws!” She will also be joining Addison on her trip to Fort Worth this spring with dance team, which should almost all but guarantee her spot in the Dance Mom Hall of Fame, which is something she has been striving for!

This January I will begin my 9th year at Titan Tire and my fourth as a member of the management team. The manufacturing environment is a completely different kind of monster and one that I truly enjoy being part of. This past spring was my last in the realm of coaching and now, happy to say, I am just your ordinary spectator/fan of my kids’ activities. If you know me, there is a good chance that it will not take you very long to figure out if I’m in attendance at one of those activities……although, I’m working on it. We still enjoy having the garage living room and hosting the neighbors for whatever sporting event we may be watching, or whatever excuse we need to have a few cool ones. Please feel free to stop by anytime and help deplete the inventory in the garage fridge, and remember…..GO CHIEFS!!!

We hope this letter finds you and yours doing well this Christmas season. We wish you all the best in 2020 and we hope to see you soon!

KC, Kim, Addison, Ellie, Emmerson, Schumi, Roxy and new this year…….Eddie IncrediPowell.